One morning recently I was stopped for a random alcohol
breath test on the way home. While I was blowing into the breathalyzer a van
pulling a trailer that I had finally had the opportunity to overtake a minute
or so earlier was waved past. I was soon on my way again after registering zero
and within minutes was driving behind the van and trailer again.
The incident inspired me to think about fate and random
events. If I had not had the opportunity to overtake the van a minute earlier
its driver would have been subjected to the ‘random’ breath test. I would have
been waved past and on my way.
But none of this was random. Everything that happened on my
journey home was the direct result of actions taken by me and others. And these
actions were caused by previous actions going all the way back to the big bang.
Nothing that happens is truly random. Everything is the inevitable result of
previous actions.
I left for home at a certain time. I missed a turn and went
a slightly longer route. I came to be driving behind a van that left his
departure point at a time determined by whatever was going on in the driver’s
life. The checkpoint was set up for that place and time in advance. If you had
total knowledge you could have predicted the events exactly as they occurred.
But no one knows everything. That is why we have the
concepts of ‘randomness’ and ‘probability’ to try and estimate unknowns. For
instance there was nothing random about the checkpoint being where it was that
morning or me being on that road or the other driver being on that road. An all
knowing being would have known all that and would have predicted me being
stopped and breathalyzed.
Everything that happens is the direct result of events that
have happened before.
The event that morning was of little consequence. I had not
been drinking so just drove on delayed by a few minutes. The van turned onto a
different road shortly afterwards so I did not even have to overtake it again.
But I did gain a deeper insight into the stoical concept
that the course of events is set and cannot be changed. Now that you are aware
of this inevitability, paradoxically, it allows you more control over adverse
events and perhaps to ameliorate any bad effect on you.
And your new awareness of the need to examine likely
scenarios is an inevitable consequence of actions taken by you and others. This was entirely predictable to someone with the knowledge that you would read this and other similar material.
You ask if you can ever have total knowledge of everything
going on? And if not how is this insight
of use? You do know part of it – you know what is going on in your own mind and
near you. Instead of living within your body take ‘a view from above’. Imagine
you are not in your own body but looking down on yourself from the ceiling. See
your actions and how you interact with others. Observe yourself as you would
observe others. How do you appear to third parties? Are you popular? Do they
think you are clever?
Look at others from a similar vantage. What are they
thinking? What are they doing? Now as a result of what you can see, predict the
next few events in your life. The things you do yourself should be entirely
predictable if you have planned your day. You will probably notice that the
actions of others as they relate to you are also somewhat predictable.
Obviously, you cannot know as much as an all seeing
observer. Actions of some people you do not know may influence events. You did
not expect the telephone survey to occupy 15 minutes of your time delaying your
day. But if you had total knowledge of that person’s calling schedule the call
to you was entirely predictable. But how often does this kind of outside
interference affect our lives?
This prediction of future events is known as predestination or
determinism and is a well-known concept in religion and philosophy. Predestination
is a core belief of Calvinism. Depending on the will of God some are chosen and
some are damned and their actions follow.
Determinism is independent of the influence of God or
existence or not of an afterlife. It is a well-known concept in Eastern
religions such as Buddhism as well as in Western Philosophy. The concept of
all-knowing observer was presented in the early 19th century by the
French mathematician Pierre-Simon Laplace. He wrote a treatise on causal or
scientific determinism and the all-knowing observer is now referred to as
Laplace’s demon or Laplace’s superman. If someone, the demon, knows the precise
location and momentum of every atom in the universe, their past and future
values for any given time can be calculated from the laws of classical mechanics.
With this knowledge the demon can predict everything that happens in the
To do this would require an immense computer and knowledge.
Many have ‘proven’ that is not possible. However, absence of proof in this case
is not proof of absence. Just because our current state of knowledge cannot
construct such a computer does not mean it is not possible at some time in the
To begin with don’t think so big. Take 5 minutes each
morning to predict the events of your day. You won’t be able to predict the actions
of all external actors that affect you. However, if you are honest the prediction
of your entire day will be surprisingly close to reality.
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